OnMyPlate.co.uk is a collection of recipes that would have otherwise been forgotten. Whenever I cook a dish more than once, I can never remember what I tweaked the first time! OnMyPlate.co.uk is a replacement for an underused and disorganised notepad. Anything of edible interest; recipes only for now, but perhaps more later
I'm Alistair - a software engineer by day, an amateur foodie in spare moments.
Rachel is chief tester. After a fair amount of convincing that I won't have a meltdown I get an honest opinion on whether a dish is fit for OnMyPlate.co.uk.
The "Studio"
This venture started when I was a student! My thrifty setup is bodged together using:
- 1 Desk
- QualityLighting - 2 portable 400W site lights
- 2 salvaged softbox panels
- 1 Sony Alpha A290
- 1 white table cloth
The Site
Slightly less bodgy, but still thrifty! A lot of components power this site, here are a few of interest:
- Amazon Web Services provides the cloud computing that powers this site.
- Puppet manages server configuration for the Ubuntu Server.
- nanoc generates the site and nginx serves it
- Loggly and rsyslogd give log visibility.
- Bootstrap and LESS help me build the frontend like I know what I'm doing
- git does the versioning, GitHub hosts it.